Okay. I've got a TON of interesting stories for everybody from this weekend's massive postal run. Unfortunately I also have a ton of coursework due the next two days, so I'll have to keep this short and sweet. I visited a grand 1,000 post offices back in March 2010; hit 1,500 in late November 2010; reached 2,000 on June 24, and as of yesterday [Sunday] I'm at 2,500. (By the end of today: 2,561.)
I don't plan these milestones; whatever happens as a matter of circumstance happens. This post office was my fourth of my Sunday 49-PO bash, and turned out to be the beautiful 1938 post office of Curwensville, Pennsylvania:
If only people still took so much pride in their work...
In Pennsylvania rich-in-coal country, this town grew rapidly at the start of the 20th century as a fire brick-making and mining town. Its current population lies at about 2,650.
I love the stonework on this building. It's a classic WPA Treasury Department-sponsored post office. This was a Sunday, so as with most Pennsylvania post offices, this was locked over the weekend. I'm curious to know whether there's any WPA artwork (a mural or sculpture) inside.
Sorry I can't show you all more now. I promise more soon!
ssme type of the building Post Office in Weymouth, MA